Thursday, 14 February 2013

Handwriting process

Dear Parents and Caregivers,

This year we are trying a different method of teaching children handwriting and the writing process.

When children begin to write, it is very important that they are taught how to form letters correctly. That is, not simply to make the letters look correct but to actually make the strokes of the letter correctly and in the correct order. Only then will their handwriting be fluid and automatic so that they do not have to constantly or consciously think about how to form the letter, which way they face, their size in relation to other letters or their relationship to the line.

Ideas for writing suffer when handwriting or letter formation is a problem for students, because the writing process is interrupted. When this happens, children tend to write less, be less creative and be repetitive in their choice of words.

The magic caterpillar story is a process through which students, from the time they begin to write, are taught how to form letters correctly using simple shapes drawn from the story of the magic caterpillar.

In order to achieve consistency between what children are taught at school and what parents are encouraging at home, we thought is would be fitting to share with you the names of the shapes that we use to help children form their letters correctly.

In this way, you can reinforce what we are doing at school which will greatly enhance the writing development in your child.

This will be kept in a new tab called 'writing', please visit this tab!

Kind Regards,
Joy Kraan

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